Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Fire Drake

A mystical creature from out of the blue
Feared by all because fire, he threw

Deliverer of havoc this arrogant snake
Existing in clouds, caverns or lake

Kidnapper of maidens, fairest in the land
Defeating knights tempting to rescue their hand

Demander of sacrifice for use of the path
Eluding will end fulfilling dragons’ wrath

Guardian of treasure this three headed demon
Some pay top dollar for one teaspoon of semen

Magnificent beast with outstretched wings
Few understand the sad songs he sings

A fabulous monster, the serpent of old
And many a story of him have been told

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


(Stimulating my mind)
Inquiring minds want to know
Narcissism feeds my foe
Scintillating; my claim to fame
Preposterous poetry; I try to tame
Imperfection keeps me humble
Rhetoric writing makes me stumble
Accolades will stroke my ego
Tartamingus, no comprende, Amigo?
Intimidated and afraid to fail
Objurgating myself; then I wail
Needful writing; I must assail.