Monday, July 28, 2014

BSR Creed


As I ride on my horse, into the night,
I am set for the course, may I be right
My mind has been trained, and thought provoked,
I have been ordained, I’m Old English evoked
My conduct proceeds, as I am humbled
Inferior bleeds, once I have stumbled
Wisdom is achieved, the harder I toil
Mission conceived, for American soil
I am a soldier, skilled for the Army
I’m taught to conquer, or drive souls barmy
I think of the rights, and thoughts of people
Knowing that gunfights will leave some feeble
I am not afraid, of things I can’t see
This is my brigade, who will protect me
Honor comes first, to protect my comrade
Our mission traversed, in our minds unclad
I value honor, duty and respect
There’s no room for mutiny or defect
I will freely uphold the Blackhorse Creed
Guiding the enrolled, to this I accede
I guard the freedom, and home of the brave
This is my dictum to which I am slave.

~ Confederate Army Leader
Adolph Dahlgren

June 1862

Can be found in Blackhorse 2015