Monday, August 13, 2012

Blue Hearts

Blue Hearts

Roses are red, violets are purple
Though I thought I knew lve
My heart was blue before I met You.

Lve at first sight ~ after the first kiss,
If you lve me, you’ll do this.

Lve is not pressure,
lve doesn’t make you do
what you don’t want to do
and tell you you’re worthless for not doing it.

Lve doesn’t boast,
lve doesn’t make itself
into something it’s not
and say things that aren’t true.

Lve is not jealous,
lve doesn’t get angry
and is not over-sensitive,
but instead concerns itself with
others feelings before its own.

Lve never gives up,
lve endures all things
and accepts hardship or rejection
and never loses faith in the possibilities
of what people might become.

True lve puts up with people
who would be easier to give up on.
